Thursday, February 12, 2009

Numbers Transmission Voice: Hurley?

In this week's episode "This Place is Death" we heard the loop of a voice repeating the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 over and over again picked up by the French science team on the island back in 1988.  While watching the episode, I thought that the voice sounded a bit familiar, so I went back, watched it again, recorded the audio of the transmission, and made this little video to demonstrate why I believe that it is Hurley's voice repeating the numbers:

My theory is that once Hurley gets back to the island with the rest of the Oceanic Six, he will eventually record the numbers at the radio tower in the past.  The rest will play out as normal: The numbers will be overheard by Leonard and Sam Toomey when they were in the Navy.  Hurley will then get the numbers from Leonard in the mental hospital and use them to win the lottery.  Thus, Hurley is the cause of his own time loop, similar to the Locke-Richard-Compass loop.  That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it!


  1. I agree with you Zack! And Hurley will also have the peace of mind that the numbers are not cursed, just some crazy time traveling conundrum that won him big money.

  2. Im good with voices.. although 23 sounds a bit like him 42 is not him.

  3. I'm excellent with voices. "23" sounds like Hurley, as does "42." It's him. Love the theory. I think this is exactly how it's going to play out.
