Monday, April 20, 2009

A Hairless Chimpanzee? or Gollum from the LotR?

Sorry to my 6 very loyal followers about the lack of LOST posts recently, but so far on this week-long LOST hiatus I have found a couple of very interesting things, including this!:

Yes, that's a hairless chimpanzee!

I found this first on, which linked to the image on Flickr. I don't know anything more about this outside of the fact that it was uploaded by RedEyedRex, who had this to say about the image: "This chimpanzee has his home at the Mysore Zoo. The chimp has lost all his fur/hair, which makes him look almost human. Freaky..."
Freaky indeed, but also awesome, unless the baldness is caused by some kind of harmful disease or mistreatment, then not awesome.

And thanks to users on, here are some more pictures of hairless chimps:
Ashes, The Hairless Chimp
Oh, and this:

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