Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mini Movie - SDSU Watchmen

This is the mini-movie Watchmen parody I made with Chris Daugaard and Kyle Halgerson for MCOM 225. If you have not read the Watchmen graphic novel or seen the movie, then this short film probably won't make a lick of sense. Heck, it might not make sense even if you have read or seen the original! That being said, however, this project sure was fun to make. Everyone involved chipped in ideas and did a great job.

With this project, we tried to parody the style and dialogue of Watchmen within our own SDSU-centric story. Many of the original story's scenes and quotes worked perfectly for this film. I thought that all of the actors did a great job, especially with such short notice.

The toughest part of the editing process was trying to balance the audio levels and find music that would work in each scene. I wish I would have had more time this week to smooth out a couple more of the little issues that bugged me, but I think that it all turned out pretty good in the end. I just want to thank everyone involved for their help and for a job well done!

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